Roman Shaposhnik

Roman is a co-founder of Ainekko: a 100% open-source company on a mission to democratize how “the machine learning community collaborates on models, datasets, and applications” and helping “the AI community building the future” have more choices than just a single (albeit awesome!) walled garden. He is a serial entrepreneur, technologist and a co-founder and former CTO of ZEDEDA Inc. who is also deeply involved in the world of Open Source as both VP of Legal Affairs at the Apache Software Foundation and a former VP of Technology at The Linux Foundation. He grew up in Sun microsystems where he learned that as an engineer you don’t have to choose what parts of computers you focus on - building an entire, end-to-end computing platform is always much more fun. Although he had committed code to a plethora of open source projects ranging from Linux kernel, ffmpeg, Project EVE and all the way to the Apache Big data ecosystem, he takes pride that most of that code has already been replaced by the responsible adults with multiple Ph.Ds in Computer and other kinds of Science. He loves funky beer (although he very much draws the line at tomato and tom yum gose) and spreads craft beer love around one seidla at a time.
